Project Example 1
Tuckpointing Project
Tuckpointing a great place in Chicago
When it comes to Tuckpointing the key is to make sure that you reinforce the bricks as well as beautifying the project.
That is what we were able to do here. When the homeowner came to us we took a look and it was clear that the age of the building and the weather of Chicagoland had clearly done a number on this building.
Winters in Chicagland take a tool on brick exteriors. Due to the freezing and unfreezing of the snow and ice wear and tear to the mortar between the brick crack easier than in other locations. When water gets into the mortar then freezes and expands this leads to the cracks and crumbling you see. That’s why tuckpointing is a necessary job to do to any home after a number of years.

After explaining to the homeowner what we were going to do, and talking it over with them to see what they wanted, we set to work immediately!
First we cleared all the extra debris and crumbling bits from in-between the bricks. This ensures that any compromised pieces are not left and that everything that is in there is good quality.

Your Project Your Way
Your home is your home. Make it look how you want! Call the design pros and build masters at Build Max today and let us work with you to make sure your home stays the dream you want it to be.
99 Street Avenue
Toronto, ON
M3B 2T5